16 Best AI Tools for Education- A Complete Guide

Written by: nur Islam



Time to read 15 min

AI tools are transforming Education by opening up new possibilities. AI is already changing various industries, and now it's significantly impacting Education, too. It's being used in classrooms, online courses, and educational tools.

Professor Anant Agarwal, founder of edX, says, 'Education really needs to be better. With AI, we can tailor learning to each student, handle routine tasks automatically, and let teachers focus on inspiring and guiding students.'

We're seeing the benefits of AI in Education right now. It's helping teachers, students, and school admins in many ways. Unlike the old one-size-fits-all method, AI can create personalized learning experiences for each student.

According to Rask AI, the market for AI in Education could be worth $80 billion by 2032, growing at 76.9% each year.

But with all this growth, we need to use AI responsibly. There are concerns about relying too much on AI and ethical and security issues. This blog will help you understand how to use AI in Education responsibly, show you its benefits, and suggest some tools to try.

The Roles of AI in Education

MSPoweruser reports that 72% of teachers see AI as an essential part of today's world, and 73% believe it improves learning. AI is making a big difference in Education. It helps students with personalized learning, helps teachers with virtual classrooms and grading, and helps administrators by using chatbots for student support. 

Here are some examples to explain further:

Personalized Learning: AI tailors educational content to fit each student's unique needs and preferences. For instance, the Indian company Century Tech uses AI in their "BASAL" platform to customize learning plans for K-12 students by assessing their learning styles and needs.

Intelligent Tutoring: AI-powered tutors can provide personalized support and feedback, helping students understand better and stay engaged. Companies like DreamBox Learning and Carnegie Learning offer these innovative tutoring services.

Adaptive Assessment: AI can analyze students' performance and provide assessments that pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses. This not only saves teachers time in grading but also helps in crafting better exams. Gradescope and ZipGrade are tools that use AI for such assessments.

Virtual Classrooms: During the COVID-19 pandemic, AI-enabled virtual classrooms like Zoom and Google Meet helped continue Education remotely, removing barriers related to location.

Content Recommendation: AI can suggest learning materials based on each student's unique study habits and preferences, boosting engagement and motivation. Platforms like Newsela and Quizlet use AI to recommend relevant content.

Administrative Efficiency: AI helps with school administration by automating tasks like scheduling and record-keeping. Chatbots can provide immediate assistance to students, improving communication and reliability.

types if ai tools for education

Types of AI Tools for Education

Learning Tools: These AI tools customize educational materials to fit each student's unique needs and learning styles, offering a tailored learning experience.

Tutoring Systems: AI tutors provide personalized help, explanations, and extra resources to support students throughout their studies.

Language Learning Tools: These tools help students learn new languages quickly by giving real-time pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary feedback.

Grading and Feedback Assistants: These AI tools speed up the grading process, save teachers time, and give students quick feedback. They analyze students' work and offer fair evaluations and tips for improvement.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: These tools help students by answering common questions, offering advice on assignments, and helping them navigate educational materials.

ai tools for education

15 AI Tools for Education

Choosing the best AI tool for Education can be difficult, as there are many online options, each with its own purpose. It can take time to pick the best AI tool for Education from the many online options.

Each tool has its purpose. Based on user reviews, ChatGPT is the most popular and versatile AI tool, making it the top choice 2024. Other free AI tools for Education include Google Classroom, Duolingo, Grammarly, Quillbot, Socratic, Elsa, EdApp, Brainly, Knowji, and more.

Let's take a closer look at 30 AI educational tools. Other free AI tools for Education include Google Classroom, Duolingo, Grammarly, Quillbot, Socratic, Elsa, Memrise, aichatsy, DragonBox, and more. Let's explore 15 AI educational tools in more detail. 

  1. Duolingo
  2. Socratic
  3. Elsa Speak
  4. Knewton Alta
  5. Memrise
  6. EdApp
  7. TutorAI
  8. Sololearn 
  9. Cognii
  10. Century Tech
  11. Deep Math AI
  12. Photomath
  13. DragonBox
  14. StepWise Math
  15. Grammarly
  16. MagicSchool.ai

Personalized Learning Tools

One type of AI tool for Education is personalized learning tools. This is a popular trend in AI for 2024. These tools help you learn language, math, and personal skills.


1. Duolingo

Duolingo is an app that helps you learn new languages in a fun way. It has short lessons, adapts to your learning style, and includes rewards and streaks to keep you motivated. The app uses AI to personalize lessons based on how well you do, focusing on areas where you need more help. It also helps you remember what you've learned by reviewing it regularly.

How it helps in Education:

  • It's a fun and easy way to learn new languages.
  • It's suitable for everyone, whether you're learning casually or seriously.
  • It changes the lessons to suit your learning speed.
  • The games keep you engaged and motivated.

Pricing: It's free, but you can pay for extra features like no ads and saving your progress if you miss a day.


2. Socratic

Socratic is a math problem solver that uses AI to help students solve problems step by step. It explains things in simple language and with pictures. Socratic is a math problem solver that uses AI to help students solve problems step by step.

It explains things in simple language and with pictures. Socratic can understand the equations students type in. It then shows them how to solve the problem in easy steps. It provides clear explanations and different ways to find the answer.

How it helps Education:

  • It helps students learn independently and improve their problem-solving skills by making math easier to understand.
  • It supports regular learning methods and helps students feel more confident when they face challenging math problems.

Pricing: Basic features are free. A premium subscription gives you more help, like detailed steps for word problems and harder math topics.

If it's not right for you, don't worry.

You can check out our latest article on the best ChatGPT apps for mobile to find something that better suits your needs.

Elsa Speak

3. Elsa Speak 

Elsa Speak is an app that helps you improve your spoken English by acting as a personal pronunciation coach. It listens to your words and phrases to improve your pronunciation.

The app uses speech recognition technology to compare your pronunciation to native speakers. Elsa provides instant feedback on intonation, stress, and the sounds of letters and phonemes.

How it helps with learning:

  • Provides specific exercises to improve pronunciation
  • Allows students with common speaking mistakes
  • Aids in speaking English more clearly and fluently

Pricing: You can try it for free, and there are paid plans for more features and lessons.

Knewton Alta

4. Knewton Alta

Knewton Alta is a learning platform that customizes courses for each student based on what they're good at, what they need help with, and how fast they learn. It uses advanced algorithms to understand how students are doing and predicts their future performance. The platform then changes the learning content and speed to match each student's needs. This helps ensure students are challenged just right and can move forward effectively.

How it helps Education:

  • It makes learning more efficient by adapting to each student's individual needs.
  • It keeps students from getting bored or frustrated by making sure they don't go over things they already know.

Pricing: Knewton Alta mainly sells to schools and colleges and doesn't share its pricing publicly.


5. Memrise

Memrise is a language-learning app that uses spaced repetition, flashcards, and memory tricks to help users remember vocabulary and grammar. It uses AI to determine the best times to review lessons to ensure you remember them for a long time. The app is also made fun with points, badges, and leaderboards to keep users interested.

How it helps Education:

  • It makes learning a new language fun and practical with its review system and game-like features.
  • It helps users learn and remember essential language basics like vocabulary and grammar by regularly testing them.

Pricing: The app is free, but you can pay a premium subscription for extra features and content.


6. EdApp

EdApp is a learning platform that offers short, interactive lessons on different topics through apps and websites. It uses AI to create personalized learning plans, suggest relevant material, and monitor progress. The short lesson format is perfect for people who only have a little time or can only focus for brief periods.

How it helps Education:

  • It makes learning easy and flexible for people with busy lives.
  • It's great for quickly picking up new skills or brushing up on things you already know.

Pricing: It's free for basic use, but you can pay for a premium subscription to access more features and a larger library of content.


7. TutorAI

TutorAI is a virtual tutor that helps students by offering personalized learning support through chat whenever needed. This AI uses technology to understand students' questions and gives tailored explanations, examples, and feedback. It can answer questions, help solve problems, and provide encouragement.

How it helps Education:

  • It's available anytime students need help.
  • It lessens the need for traditional tutors.
  • It provides customized guidance and promotes learning on one's own.

Pricing: There's a free trial, and different paid subscriptions give access to more features and tutoring hours.


8. Sololearn

Sololearn is a fun coding platform that uses games to teach coding with interactive courses, quizzes, and challenges. You can learn different programming languages like Python and JavaScript. It has short lessons, game-like elements such as points and badges, and a friendly community to make learning coding fun and easy. The platform uses AI to offer personalized tips and challenges based on your performance.

How it helps Education:

  • Makes learning fun by turning it into a game.
  • Simplifies tough coding topics into manageable steps.
  • Keeps you motivated to keep learning.

Pricing: It's free to use, but you can pay for extra features and courses.


9. Cognii

Cognii is a learning platform that uses special algorithms to improve and personalize student learning. It gathers information about how students perform, how engaged they are, and how they prefer to learn. Then, it tailors the learning experience to fit each student's needs by suggesting the right resources, adjusting the difficulty level, and giving specific feedback to help students learn more effectively.

How it helps Education:

  • Creates a customized learning path for each student.
  • Meets the unique needs and strengths of every student.
  • Helps students understand better and improve their performance.

Pricing: Cognii mainly serves schools and colleges and doesn't publicly share its prices.

Century Tech

10. Century Tech

Century Tech is a learning platform for students from kindergarten through 12th grade. It offers personalized tutoring and learning experiences that adjust to each student's needs. The platform provides live online tutoring with real teachers and AI-powered assessments, practice exercises, and tools to track progress.

How it helps Education:

  • It mixes live teaching with AI tools to help students learn better.
  • It helps students do better in school.

Pricing: It has a subscription-based pricing model for individual students and families.

Math Support AI tools 

The second type is AI tools designed to assist with math. These tools are helpful for those who struggle with math, as they simplify concepts and make learning more enjoyable. They make it easier to grasp math terms and turn the learning process into a fun and engaging experience. 

11. Deep Math AI

The Math AI platform helps students grasp challenging math ideas by giving them personalized explanations, detailed solutions step-by-step, and interactive visuals. It uses technology to recognize patterns and solve problems in a way that's easy to understand. The visuals make it easier to understand the concepts.

How it helps Education:

  • It allows students to solve complex math problems on their own.
  • It encourages understanding the concepts rather than just memorizing them.
  • It boosts students' confidence in solving complex problems.

Pricing: It has a paid subscription with different levels, each offering more features and questions.


12. Photomath

Photomath is a widely used app that lets you scan handwritten or printed math problems using your phone's camera. It quickly gives you step-by-step solutions and explanations. The app uses image recognition and complex math formulas to understand the situation, breaks it into smaller steps, and provides detailed solutions with interactive animations and clear explanations.

How it helps Education:

  • It gives instant help and visual answers for many math problems, making it great for students who need extra help.
  • It teaches students to think through problems step-by-step, improving their problem-solving skills.

Pricing: The app has a free version with some limitations. If you subscribe to the premium version, you'll get more features and can solve more types of problems.


13. DragonBox

This is a collection of fun math apps made for young kids. Using puzzles and games, it teaches basics like numbers, addition, subtraction, and fractions. DragonBox makes learning math fun by using colourful virtual objects and characters that kids can play with. This helps children understand math naturally without needing formal lessons.

How it helps Education:

  • Encourages young kids to enjoy math by making it fun and interactive.
  • Helps kids learn essential math basics through games.
  • Prepares kids for future math learning.

Pricing: You have to pay for each app, but you can buy them as a bundle.

AI Education Support Tools 

The third group of tools are helpful for various educational needs. They include tools for grammar assistance, citation help, and organizing educational activities.


14. Grammarly

Grammarly is a tool that helps you with writing by checking your grammar and spelling and copying content. It also gives tips on how to make your writing clear, stylish, and concise. Grammarly uses technology to analyze how you write and point out any mistakes. It also gives personalized advice on how to improve.

How it helps Education:

  • It helps students write more clearly and accurately.
  • It boosts students' ability to communicate well in writing.
  • It allows students to learn on their own by giving instant feedback.
  • It teaches students how to check their work.

Pricing: Grammarly offers a free version with basic features. A premium subscription offers more detailed help, such as advanced writing tips and plagiarism checks.

15. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a tool that helps teachers and students communicate, work together, and manage assignments. It uses Google Apps to create an online classroom. Teachers can post materials, set assignments, give feedback, and see how students are doing. Students can turn in their work, work with others on projects, and join in class discussions.

How it helps Education:

  • Makes communication and organization easier.
  • Improves interaction between teachers and students.
  • Increases student participation.
  • Supports a classroom without paper.
  • Lets you access school resources from anywhere.

Pricing: Google Classroom is free for schools and anyone with a personal Google account.


16. MagicSchool.ai

MagicSchool.ai uses special techniques and tools to make learning personalized for each student. An AI program looks at what students are good at and what they need help with.

It then suggests lessons and resources that are right for each student. It also changes the difficulty of tests to help students learn better.

How it helps Education:

  • Makes learning more personal and engaging.
  • Meets the unique needs and styles of each student.
  • Encourages students to learn on their own and become experts.
  • Helps students achieve their best.

Pricing: MagicSchool.ai is mainly for schools and educational organizations, and they don't share their prices publicly.


AI apps have a lot of potential to improve Education. They offer personalized learning so students can learn quickly and get help where they need it most. These apps also make Education better overall. 

Plus, they can save teachers time by automating tasks like grading and helping them understand how students are doing. This makes learning more efficient. Tell us which AI tool you use the most for Education.

Frequently Asked Questions about Best AI Tools for Education

What are AI tools for Education?

AI tools for Education refer to software programs or platforms that utilize artificial intelligence technology to enhance the learning experience. These tools can range from virtual tutors to platforms offering personalized learning experiences to students.

How can AI tools improve the learning experience?

AI tools can harness the power of AI and machine learning to create immersive and interactive learning experiences. They can help teachers tailor their lessons to meet students' individual needs, providing personalized instruction and feedback.

What are some of the best AI tools for Education?

Some popular AI tools for Education include Cognii, which offers a virtual assistant to help students with their tasks, and Gradescope, a platform that assists with grading assignments and providing valuable feedback.

How do AI tools ensure personalized learning?

AI tools use artificial intelligence to create personalized learning experiences based on a student's strengths and weaknesses. They enable students to learn at their own pace and style, fostering an academic environment that is accessible to all.

Can AI tools help in improving teaching methods?

Absolutely! AI tools can assist educators in developing innovative teaching methods and lesson plans. They can analyze data to identify areas where students are struggling and provide recommendations to help teachers adjust their approach.

How can AI technology benefit both teachers and students?

AI technology can benefit teachers by automating administrative tasks like grading and providing assignment feedback. AI tools can offer students additional support and resources to help them succeed in their studies.

Are AI tools accessible to all educational institutions?

While some AI tools may require a certain level of technology infrastructure, many platforms are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to various educational institutions. Exploring different options and finding the right fit for your needs is essential.

What AI tool is used in Education?

AI tools in Education vary widely, including personalized learning platforms like Duolingo and Knewton Alta, AI tutors like TutorAI, and administrative tools like chatbots. They help tailor learning experiences, provide real-time feedback, and streamline administrative tasks.

How is AI being used in Education?

AI is used in Education to create personalized learning experiences, automate grading, facilitate virtual classrooms, and enhance administrative efficiency. For example, AI can adapt learning content to fit individual student needs, assist teachers with grading by providing automated feedback, and support administrative tasks with chatbots.

What is the best AI tool for teachers?

The best AI tool for teachers depends on their specific needs. Still, everyday favourites include Google Classroom for managing courses and assignments, Grammarly for improving students' writing skills, and platforms like Century Tech that provide personalized learning experiences and insights into student performance.

What is the best AI for students?

Popular AI tools for students include Photomath for step-by-step math problem-solving, Duolingo for language learning, and Grammarly for writing assistance. These tools help students learn independently, provide instant feedback, and support various learning styles.

How can teachers use AI?

Teachers can use AI to enhance personalized learning, streamline grading, expand resource recommendations, and manage class administrative tasks. AI can also assist in developing more engaging and interactive lessons, which can be adapted based on student's progress and feedback.

What is the best AI tool for Google Classroom?

While Google Classroom is an efficient platform for managing teaching activities, integrating AI tools like Grammarly for writing support and feedback or Trello for project management and organization can enhance its functionality. AI tools can help automate tasks, provide analytics, and improve student engagement within Google Classroom.

Nur Islam

Nur Islam

Nur Islam is a passionate tech writer and an avid follower of AI trends. With a talent for simplifying complex subjects, he's consistently spotlighted the latest in conversational AI, ChatGPT apps, and groundbreaking tech solutions. Recently, Nur delved deep into the best ChatGPT apps of 2023, offering readers an effortless guide to the digital future. When he's not writing, Nur enjoys exploring new gadgets and continuously seeks ways to make tech topics relatable and easy to grasp for everyone.